Thursday, November 8, 2012

Asean Student Forum 2012, Thailand

Assalamu'alaykum dear readers :)

Maaf sekali jadi jarang posting akhir-akhir ini, hehe... Aktivitas akhir-akhir ini benar-benar super hectic :')
Oya sekarang ini saya sedang sibuk persiapan untuk jadi delegasi Indonesia di Asean Student Forum 2012. Asean Student Forum itu nanti akan diadakan di Thailand. Alhamdulillah saya dapat kesempatan untuk jadi delegasi Indonesia di forum tersebut. Ini benar2 seperti mimpi yang jadi kenyataan. Salah satu mimpi yang saya tulis di dream book, "jadi delegasi Indonesia di forum internasional". Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah itu terwujud. Hari Senin tanggal 12 November besok saya akan berangkat ke Thailand. Mohon doanya ya teman-teman biar disana saya dan delegasi lainnya benar-benar bisa represent Indonesia :)

Akhir-akhir ini saya merasa kalo Allah terlalu sayang sama saya, padahal saya sendiri pastinya sering mengecewakan Dia :(
Dulu cita-cita saya ingin sekali kuliah di jurusan Hubungan Internasional, tapi waktu itu ada saja halangan sehingga saya tidak jadi daftar di jurusan tersebut. Dulu menganggap kalo Allah itu tidak adil pada hidup saya karena saya ingin kejar cita-cita kok halangan banyak banget, Astaghfirullah astaghfirullah :"""(
akhirnya, sering mengeluh ke Allah ini itu :(
Time goes by, Allah memberi kesempatan saya untuk jadi delegasi Indonesia. Ini juga wujud betapa Allah memberikan better option terhadap doa-doa saya selama ini. Sekali lagi rencana Allah itu pasti baiiiiik untuk hamba-hambaNya. U know what readers, saya di forum ini mendapat kesempatan juga untuk belajar tentang materi anak-anak jurusan Hubungan Internasional tentang ASEAN, khususnya ASEAN MIND dari pakarnya langsung!!! :') saya berada di forum ini juga merupakan kesempatan yang mungkin tidak semua anak jurusan Hubungan Internasional rasakan. Betapa rencana Allah begitu luarrr biasa dalam hidup saya :"""")
Jadi, make a positive thinking as a habit. Positive thinking dilakukan dari awal sampai akhir kita mencoba dan berusaha meraih mimpi yang kita inginkan. Percayalah, Allah menjawab doa kita dengan 3 cara "YES, NOT NOW, THERE'S A BETTER OPTION". Percayalah, cintai Allah dulu maka Dia juga akan menyuruh penghuni langit dan bumi juga mencintai kita, dengan begitu insyaAllah kita sukses dunia dan akhirat :")
Bayangkan bila Allah murka, penghuni langit dan bumi juga akan murka dan membenci kita, bisa dibayangkan betapa ngerinya, sukses dunia tidak didapat, apalagi akhirat. Naudzubillah

See u in my next post tentang ASEAN STUDENT FORUM ;)
Lil bit nervous but i'm sooooo excited :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Inspiring Youth - Archie Fitrah Wirija

Hello dear readers :)
Malem ini ada Inspiring Youth yang keduaaa, taraaaaaaa *drumroll*.... yap, he is Archie Fitrah Wirija..
Who is he?
Baca inspiring interviewku sm kak Archie :)

Assalamu'alaykum kak archie....
Wa'alaikumsalaam warrahmatullah, Shelia

Sekarang ini lagi sibuk apa?
Sekarang ini lagi sibuk ngerjain skripsi, pindahan rumah, & lagi nyiapin produksi musikal sebagai music director.

Apa definisi sukses menurut kamu?
Definisi sukses menurut gue adalah jika hari ini gue lebih dekat kepada tujuan hidup gue, lebih baik, dan lebih bermanfaat positif terhadap sekitar dari hari kemarin.

Motto apa yang kamu pegang dalam hidupmu?
Motto yang gue pegang dalam hidup: "If there's a will, there's a way."

Prestasi apa aja yang udah km raih selama ini?
Prestasi yang udah gue raih selama ini: 
  • menang lomba bikin lagu Mars Al-Izhar yang akan dipakai selamanya di sekolah almamater gue dari TK-SMA.
  • berhasil bikin resital / mini konser gue sendiri yang mana gue bertindak sebagai konseptor, performer, produser, sekaligus manager acara.
  • pernah bekerja dengan artis-artis mancanegara mengurusi kebutuhan backstage di konser-konser JAVA Musikindo.
  • mendapat Penghargaan Musisi Berbakat dari Al-Izhar Islamic School.
Pernah ga merasa dalam titik paling bawah, kalo pernah apa yang kamu lakuin?
Gue pernah merasa berada di titik paling bawah. Yang gue lakukan adalah yakin kalau gue udah di titik terbawah, berarti satu-satunya jalan adalah naik ke atas. Itu jadi semangat gue untuk bangkit lagi. The good thing about hitting the lowest point is you can't go any lower. So now, the only way to go is: UP & RISE! It's always darkest before the dawn. :)

Apa buku favoritmu?
Buku favorit gue adalah Al-Qur'an

Siapa orang yang paling menginspirasi dalam hidupmu? kenapa?
Orang yang paling menginspirasi gue dalam hidup adalah Nabi Muhammad SAW. Alasannya akan lo temuin sendiri kalau lo mempelajari sejarah hidup beliau. Kalau dari dunia musik, gue terinspirasi sama Stevie Wonder.

Apa passion terbesarmu?
Passion terbesar gue: Music & its ability to spread positive message very effectively

Apa pesan khusus kamu utk anak2 muda di Indonesia?
Pesan gue untuk anak muda Indonesia (termasuk gue sendiri): 
Caritau bidang apa yang lo bener-bener suka dengan cobain banyak pengalaman, lalu kerjain aja apapun kegiatan yang punya manfaat positif dari situ. Kalo lo suka ngerjainnya, beban seberat apapun bakal ngga kerasa. Rejeki akan dateng sendiri kalau kita bener-bener nguasain & passionate sama bidang kita.

Semoga interview ini bisa bermanfaat buat yang baca, hehehe..

Thank you, Shelia!

Twitter : @ArchieWirija

Monday, October 15, 2012

Inspiring Youth - Nina Septiani

Hellooo readers :) kali ini saya punya topik post Inspiring Youth. Jadi Inspiring Youth ini adalah hasil wawancara saya pada beberapa anak-anak muda Indonesia yang prestasinya oke dan cukup menginspirasi banyak orang. Tujuan saya membuat topik adalah untuk menginspirasi banyak orang, terutama anak-anak muda. Semoga bermanfaat yaa :)

Anak muda pertama yang saya interview pada Inspiring Youth kali ini adalah Kak Nina Septiani, siapa dia? yuk kita lihat hasil interview saya dengan kak Nina :)

Halooo dear..

Sekarang ini lagi sibuk apa?
Alhamdulillah lagi jalanin fashion label aku OWN (@OWNbyNinaSept), jadi foto model, duta lingkungan dan juga menjalankan tugas menjadi World Muslimah Beauty 2012. Alhamdulillah aku dikasih amanah utk menginspirasi seluruh hijabers di dunia.

Apa definisi sukses menurut kamu?
Sukses itu relatif. Tapi sukses terpenting yakni ketika berapapun nilai kesuksesannya, gak pernah lupa utk bersedekah, menjalankan perintah Allah, menghormati orang tua, dan tidak sikut menyikut demi sebuah kedudukan yg disebut tahta.

Motto apa yang kamu pegang dalam hidupmu?
Be yourself, do the best, be confidence, Whatever your purpose in your life, always remember that Allah beside you.

Prestasi apa aja yang udah km raih selama ini?
* Juara Fotogenik Muslimah sampul 2006
* Bintang iklan BRI edisi ramadhan
* Host program acara SAFARA transtv
* talent jika aku menjadi trans tv
* lulus cumlaude dr Public Relations Universitas Al Azhar Indonesi
* Finalist HiLo Green Ambassador 2011
* Komite Hijabers Community until 2011
*Komite Indonesia Young Changemakers Summit
* Pemenang World Muslimah Beauty 2012

Pernah ga merasa dalam titik paling bawah, kalo pernah apa yang kamu lakuin?
Pernah banget! Yang dilakuin yaa pastinya berdoa & berusaha. Pastinya gak berhenti untuk membuktikan bahwa kita gak seburuk yg orang lain pikir. Karna dari kegigihan tersebut akan timbul cara bagaimana orang lain terinspirasi dgn kehidupan kita. Allah gak pernah tidur. Titik terbawah kita hanyalah ujian agar kita lebih kuat, lebih hebat & lebih maju. InsyaAllah!

Apa buku favoritmu?
Wah banyak banget!
Aku suka baca buku ETIKET by Mien R. Uno, AISYAH the True Beauty, Quantum Ikhlas, dll.
Sebenernya yg paling aku suka adalah buku-buku pengembangan diri apapun itu & siapapun penulisnya. Selain itu aku suka banget sama buku2 kisah nyata anonim. Karna dari sana kita bs belajar banyak hal dr kisah2 kehidupan orang lain. Karna pengalaman gak harus kita rasain sendiri.

Siapa orang yang paling menginspirasi dalam hidupmu? kenapa?
Rasulullah dengan segala kehidupannya. Alasannya jelas karna ia Rasul Allah yg harus kita jadikan panutan.
Selain itu ada mama papa aku. Karna perjuangan mereka yg buat aku jadi seperti sekarang. Alhamdulillah mereka tidak pernah lepas dr setiap tindak laku aku.

Apa passion terbesarmu?
Passion aku ada di dunia fashion & entertainment. Aku pengen banget buktiin kalau dengan hijab, aku tetep bs berprestasi dengan caraku. Tanpa kebohongan, kepalsuan, kesombongan, dan kemunafikan.

Apa pesan khusus kamu utk anak2 muda di Indonesia? 
Jangan pernah malu dengan apa yg kita miliki. Percaya diri, gigih, jujur dan menyayangi orang lain dengan tulus adalah kunci dimana kesuksesan itu dimulai. Jauhi segala bentuk kejahatan, dugem, rokok, miras, narkoba, KKN, dll. karna mreka hanya akan membawa kehancuran terhadap kesuksesan yg sudah susah payah dibangun.

Blog :
Twitter : @ninasept

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I met Emir Qatar :)

Hellloooo :)
Yesterday i came to Management Carnival in my campus. There are many speakers there, like Muhammad Assad, Imam Subchan and the others. The seminar talked about Young entrepreneur. I love the topic so much!! Many speakers there really inspire me.
I wrote some important points from the speakers, here it is :)

"A business that makes nothing but profit is a poor business" - Muhammad Assad

"Do not limit your dream, keep dreaming on another step"

"You should lead the competition, not only join the competition"

"Do something in extraordinary way and do not skip problem and process"

"The best way to predict your future is to create it"

"Never doubt to yourself. Allah selalu kasih semua yang kita butuhkan"

In that seminar, Alhamdulillah finally i could meet Muhammad Assad. I've read his book and its really inspiring. He's a great man, no doubt if every girl amazes to him :)
oya, he is very very humble, he remembered my name, yay!! :)
wish i can meet him in another chance :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

whoever you are, thank you so much!!

Last Friday i had a fruitful chat on BBM with someone - whom - i - really - don't - know.. I don't know whether i have to call "mas or mbak", even i'm not sure who is he/she..
I always push my self to the limit when i do something or when i want to pursue something. I don't care with myself whether it will hurt me or not, whether it will make me happy or not. And, someone - whom - i - really - don't - know gave a nice advice, to be honest i cried after read that.. Oya, someone - whom - i - really - don't - know didn't complain when i called "mas", oh from that point maybe he's a boy *thinking*

"Shelia setiap manusia punya limit bukan untuk dilewati, semakin dekat dengan limit semakin lelah dan menyakitkan rasanya. Kalo kamu bisa mencapai sukses tanpa kamu push the limit itu lebih baik, usaha cerdas itu lebih baik dari usaha keras. Shelia bisa exchange tanpa harus kurang tidur dan banyak nangis, shelia bisa lakuin itu semua tanpa push the limit, just do ordinary things with extraordinary pray and for extraordinary result. Aku ga mau liat kamu banyak begadang. Kamu perempuan. Dan satu lagi, jangan meremehkan dirimu dengan berpikir kamu harus selalu menderita untuk dapat yang bagus, no pressure no diamond itu dihapus aja, ganti you get diamond with no over pressure, Allah tinggal kasi kok yang kita minta,  setuju? :)"

To be honest, i cried after i read that... That advice really in line with my condition recently.. I'm busy to prepare a big project for my dream in the last of this year and the beginning of 2013 :') 
Finally, i realize that WHAT'S THE POINT OF LOOKING GREAT ON THE OUTSIDE IF I'M NOT HAPPY INSIDE AND I'M HURT?. Now, i will not do something in order only to get achievement and spotlight from that but how it can inspire and useful for other people, emmm the important point is how it can make me happy inside and outside :')
For someone - whom - i - really - don't - know, thank you so much! :')

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Amazing, you are!!

Inspired by Alanda Kariza to write this post :)
U can also write the same thing and try to feel the positivity after u write it. Writing this makes us special, reminds me that everybody is special. You're special.
This note is not about showing off, but this is about loving yourself.

I'm an amazing person because
1. I make new friends easily. I can't sitting next to/in front people of without any kind of conversation. It turns out to be a very good thing because i think networking is one of the main keys of success. 

2. I'm a good listener. I always welcome to listen to people's problems, and when they ask for my advice, i'm willing to share my experiences.

3. I'm curious. I love learning new things and i can absorb lesson easily. Maybe i'm not a smart girl but i'm a curious person on anything. I can learn any kind of lesson and memorize it. I love You, God!

4. I'm an optimistic person!!. A lot of people around me and many successful people inspire me. Even Disney also inspires me. All of them said that we can make our dreams come true. So why worry?

5. I rarely forget saying: maaf, tolong, terimakasih. Those are a magical words for me. It is really important to be said to other people.

6. I'm a loving person. I love my parents, i love my brother Rafi, i love my big family, i love my Genk Gonjrenk, i love my college friends.. They make me an amazing person.

7. I won't give up easily. When i fail, i wake up, i learn, and i move on.

8. I love my God, Allah SWT. I count everything on Him :)

9. I love doing social project and voluntary project. I don't know why i love to do it, but i feel meaningful to others and i get a happiness that cannot be replaced with words or anything.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sketch of me

I got a sketch from my cousin, mba tya and a sketch from my friend in Rusia, Lena... Thank u soooo much!!! Which one do wanna choose? :p

Sketch from Lena :)

Sketch from my cousin, mba tya :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Thank u kak Resty :)

Assalamu'alaykum :)
Hello readers... today, i'm gonna post someone who can inspire my life so far.. She is kak Dika Restiyani.. She won Muslimah beauty 2011, a model, and also a designer. She studies Post Graduate at NTU Singapore. I've known her since one year ago :)
She's really inspire my life because she's not only pretty but also sholehah and smart woman. I wanna be perfect like her or even more. Amiiin hehe.. I really adore her as my sister :')

Kak Resty 

Yesterday, i got an email from her.. and hmmm she's really my mentor hehe :') she gave a nice advice :') thank u kak resty :')

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ied Mubarok

Happy blissful Ied Mubarok my dearest readers from me and family :))

me and my cousin - me, devi, irma

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


i dedicated this post for whoever u are that underestimate my dreams, my life, and my family... You get my bow hohoho...
i've lived in this world for 21 years but to be honest i can't control myself when someone else underestimate my dreams, my life, moreover my family. What i can do just asking to God to gimme a power and i just keep silent for everything they talk to me until they close their mouths from useless words. I realize that everything we do cannot please everybody. So, if we do a good things, we have to battle it. Do not hear many negative sound and paradigm around us. No matter what u do and what u achieve, there will be many people who continuously underestimate u. It means we have to prepare it all the times :)
I always think that when haters were busy talking, i was busy making my dreams happen... Till they wondering why they left behind.
For u who has a problem like what i've said above, come on guys life is full surprises (bitter and sweet), so just face it and u're gonna know what a life is :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Bitter-sweet life

Just because i didn't talk my problem, a lot of people thought that i never experienced time to struggle. People thought that all of paths i went through were easy. Thinking my life is so perfect for who i am right now. But, IT'S WRONG!!!
I'm who i am right now because i don't have a perfect life.
I'm who i am right now not because i never feel the bitterness of life.
I'm just a human being :)


Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm a dreamer!!

I've never seen any successful people who isn't a dreamer. DREAM is the first key of my life. I absolutely agree with Agnes Monica's quote "DREAM, BELIEVE, AND MAKE IT HAPPEN". That quote really inspires my life and also make me use that quote in my life "DREAM, BELIEVE, MAKE IT COME TRUE" :))
I just wanna say, if u don't believe in your dream, how can u convince people to believe your dream?
Then, what is the dreamer do after that? they visualize it and they believe with their eyes of faith before making it happen.
I just talk like a children say " i wanna be a doctor", so if someone ask me "what is your dream?", i'm gonna answer "I wanna go international, i wanna go global for my study and career". Maybe some people say it's arrogance but for me it's called DREAM.
They call it arrogance, i call it a goal to keep me focus on my journey to keep me on track. I always believe that IF U FAIL TO PLAN, U PLAN TO FAIL.

siwi and me

Happy Ramadhan!!! :))


Thursday, July 5, 2012

my 21st :)

Good morniiiing :)
Feeling happy and bless today.. 21 years ago, a mother gave birth a babyyyy... yay that's me!!
birthday is a time to do many reflections for what i've learnt so far.... trying to be a good person in my following year....
my wishes are my thesis runs well without many barriers, i can go exchange next year after my thesis, i can get a TESOL scholarship for my master program at University of South Australia, andddddd i wanna make people around me proud of me, especially my parents :) and last but not least, i can meet "someone" who can gimme the true meaning of love hehehe :p
may Allah loves and blesses me always :______)
Thanks mom and dad for veryyy early birthday gift and many good wishes and prayers :)
and of course for many good friends, thank you for your wishes and prayers for me... i'm speechless :)


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

happy wedding my cousin, dr. Maya Syarief

Hellooooo....!! there are 2 happiness on May 5th 2012.. besides i accepted in AIESEC exchange program, one of my cousins, mba Maya was getting married!! yay.. they are perfect couple. Lovelyyyy!! Happy wedding and barakallah :))
mba maya and mas ari
my cousin, mba tya took the pict
from left to right: my mom, budhe, me, mas ari, mba maya, de irma, mba tya, tante ii
my dad, my mom and me

de irma and me
many people said that i'm a lucky person who has a happy family.. yesssss i really have a big and happy family.. :) that's priceless!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

dream comes true!!!!!!

Alhamdulillahirrabbil'alamiiiiin :____)
really speechless when i got this message today,
AllahuAkbar! :____)
it means, i get the chance to do exchange program in other country... Thank You Allah for this blessful life :____)

Sunday, April 29, 2012


hehe... that's AIESEC's yell..
well guys, do u know AIESEC? in briefly, AIESEC is an international organization.. there is an exchange program and also voluntary program!! well, i enrolled for the first program namely AIESEC exchange program.. The first selection was documentary selection.. and Alhamdulillah i passed documentary selection.. last Saturday, i did the selection test.. the first test was FDG (Forum Discussion Group).. in that test, i was grouped with 5 people then we discuss an international case ( i got animal trafficking case). Alhamdulillah, i passed FDG selection, then i had to do interview selection.. i think i've done my best, and now let Allah do the rest!! :) wish i can be accepted by AIESEC exchange program. amiiin.. the commitee said that the result will be anounced in one week later..
guys, do not afraid to create your dream..  if u can dream it, u can achieve it!! :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

100% or 300%?

my friend asked me how to keep my spirit in academic life... to be honest, i was confuse about that question.. hehe.. then i answered, "my academic life also up and down.. but i always try to maximize my effort.. if someone else do something 100%, so i have to do 300%"
even, i don't care if someone else thinking that i'm a perfectionist people, to be honest yes i'm that kind of person... :___)
well, i also have my own dream book!! yay i call it dream book bcoz i write all of my dreams there... and the contents are secret hihi :D

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

fitting the pose fitting the room

having a photoshoot at fitting room is sooooo funny! hihi and we had lunch at Dapur Citra Solo. The food is sooo yummy and the price is cheap! :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

falling in love with aussie

well, last friday i went to scholarship expo in my campus.. there are many campus promoted in expo, actually they are only campus in Aussie.. wow, and i was so glad because finally i found campus who served my future major and u know what., the person who promoted was a graduate student from my future major!
she explained many steps to study there and she also gave me her email and her supervisor's email in Aussie to keep contact with me.. yay! :)
and she said, "someday u have to contact my supervisor because i recomend u to him"
i was sooooooooo happppyyyyyy!!!
exactly, i'm falling in love with University of South Australia.. wish me luck guys to make my dreams come true! :)
keep loving me ;)

Friday, April 6, 2012


i joined a giveaway from a blogger, kindly check her cute blog guys! :)

Shoes has always been a girl's best friend. And eventually her favorite best friend.
GIVING AWAY 3 PAIRS OF UP WEDGES for FREE for 3 lucky girls!!
And it gets better! Cos we can CHOOSE our OWN FAVORITE PAIR! Yeaaaaay!
Awesome month is awesome! >.<

♥ wish me luck guys 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

i wanna be a princess

i've ever told u that i really love everything about disney, yay! besides mickey and minnie mouse, i also addict about disney princess.. hihi..  when i was kid, i imagined that i could be one of the princess character in disney.. well, my kindergarten teacher ever asked me,

kindergarten teacher : shelia, what is your ideal in the future?
me : being a princess! *with innocent face*

then, my friends and my teacher laughed at me because it's not a common answer. hihi.. but, actually it could be accepted becoz i was a kid, 5 years old kid!! :))
well, i'm 20 years old right now and i'm still addict about disney princess too hehe.. there's no change happens actually when someone asks me about my ideal, i'm going to answer like this...
"one of my ideal in the future is being a princess.. i've been being a lil princess for my parents actually, then in the future i'm going to be a princess for my prince charming (my future husband) and of course a princess for my future children"
that's gonna be my answer! yes, i wanna be a princess!  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

dinner time

well, today i had dinner with my friends.. so much fun today! yay! 
i wore my balloon tie dye, it was so comfyyy 
so sorry if the quality of the picture is bad :)
good nite good people, don't let a big bugs bite! :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

mickey and minnie

haloooohaaaaaa :)
wow actually, i believe that everybody loves disney!!! yay, me toooooo!! :))
but the most favourite one, i really loveeeee mickey and minnie mouse.. they are soooooo cuteeeeee :* :*
if u have many stuffs about mickey and minnie mouse, pleaseeee gimme one!! hehe.. or if u have any information about mickey and minnie mouse stuffs, just inform me yah.. thank youuu!

Monday, March 19, 2012


i love chocolate soooo much.. this is one of my moodbooster :) since i was kid, i loved chocolate.. it happened because Ayah brought me many chocolates when he came back from his duty in out of town.. the first chocolate that i like is MILO chocolate.. maybe some of u feels a lil bit strange with MILO chocolate hehe.. as i know, MILO chocolate is not available right now.. huhuhu
actually, i'm a dark-choco lover 

Soeklat Chocolate

My favourite, Monggo Chocolate

Delfi chocolate

one month ago, my mom also sent me 2 bar of chocolates to my boarding house. wow, that's kind  of a surprise!! :))
well, i also have my own quote about chocolate.... hehe

just gimme a bar of chocolate then i'll smile a whole day 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

an artwork

Look! kak siti juwariyah made this artwork for me! her blog's name is saturday, and she also wrote my twitter's name. wow, i love this artwork so much!.. u can visit her blog to know how cool she is! :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

family time

my parents and i
if i count how many family time i've missed, the answer is so many :') but i never feel that i lost my family time. i rarely go home if there is no long holiday, my parents and my relatives always try to make me "homey" though i'm faraway from them.. getting a call and text everyday from my parents are such kind of a big affection and love. i never feel that i'm alone, i feel be loved :)
then, what will u miss when u're faraway? yess, your family of course!! :')

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

my second family

Widoro Asri 2 Boarding House
Widoro Asri 2 Boarding House

Widoro Asri 2 Boarding House

Widoro Asri 2 Boarding House

my boarding house's friends is like my family, my second family :) we share happiness and sadness. we know and love each other.. i'm lucky for having them in my life :')