Monday, March 19, 2012


i love chocolate soooo much.. this is one of my moodbooster :) since i was kid, i loved chocolate.. it happened because Ayah brought me many chocolates when he came back from his duty in out of town.. the first chocolate that i like is MILO chocolate.. maybe some of u feels a lil bit strange with MILO chocolate hehe.. as i know, MILO chocolate is not available right now.. huhuhu
actually, i'm a dark-choco lover 

Soeklat Chocolate

My favourite, Monggo Chocolate

Delfi chocolate

one month ago, my mom also sent me 2 bar of chocolates to my boarding house. wow, that's kind  of a surprise!! :))
well, i also have my own quote about chocolate.... hehe

just gimme a bar of chocolate then i'll smile a whole day 


  1. Replies
    1. hehe suka coklat juga ya? aku malah addict banget :) salam kenal yaa :)

  2. loh loh ada neng arum??

    teteh bagii coklatnyooo :Q

    1. loh kenal juga teh sama yg di atas? temen km?
      wowowowo, itu coklat udah abis semua aku makan hehe


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